What Reporters Look for In A Media Pitch
A media pitch is a brief message or email sent by a publicist to a reporter or journalist to pitch a story idea, suggest an interview or request coverage for a client or a brand. The goal of a media pitch is to capture the reporter’s attention and persuade them to cover the story.
Here are some things that reporters typically look for in a media pitch:
Relevance: The story should be relevant to the reporter’s beat or the media outlet’s audience. A publicist should do their research and make sure that they are pitching to the right person and publication.
Timeliness: Reporters are always looking for newsworthy stories that are timely, relevant, and fresh. Publicists should make sure that their pitch is timely and ties into current events, trends, or seasonal themes.
Uniqueness: Reporters receive many pitches every day, so a publicist needs to make their story stand out from the rest. A unique angle, hook, or perspective can help catch a reporter’s attention and make them interested in the story.
Newsworthiness: Reporters are interested in stories that are newsworthy and have an impact on their audience. Publicists should highlight the news value of their story and explain why it matters to the reporter’s audience.
Credibility: Reporters are skeptical of pitches that are too salesy or promotional. Publicists should focus on providing credible information, facts, and sources to back up their story.
Conciseness: Reporters are busy and receive many emails every day, so a publicist should keep their pitch short, concise, and to the point. A brief, compelling subject line and a clear message can help grab the reporter’s attention.
Contact information: Publicists should make it easy for reporters to follow up by providing their contact information, including email, phone number, and social media handles.
In summary, reporters look for media pitches that are relevant, timely, unique, newsworthy, credible, concise, and include contact information. Publicists should tailor their pitch to the reporter’s interests and needs, do their research, and focus on providing value and newsworthy information. A well-crafted media pitch can help a publicist get their client or brand media coverage and exposure.